• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler.....Albert Einstein • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

About me

I am a mom of two super kiddos (and one on the way!), wife to an amazing husband and an 8th grade math teacher who needed a creative outlet!  The last few years I have been stalking craft blogs and making things like crazy.  I even sell a few of my items at craft fairs and at a consignment shop near my home, Peek-a-Boutique in Holland.  That is where 'The Grab Bag Collection' got started.  

Since I started making more things and needed a way to remember how I made it, or where I got the idea from, I started this blog.
Basically, I just show what I have done (with any references to where I got the idea, if possible).  I do thank all of the talented crafters who have given me these ideas and walked me through some of the steps that I couldn't figure out on my own.

By just posting a few pictures and the background story that led me to making it, my goal is to keep this blog nice and simple - keeping it, you know,
"in simplest form!"